Archive for July, 2011

July 9th, 2011

Evo’11 Update

I recently completed two sessions at Evo’11 – one about Beginning WordPress and another about Intermediate WordPress (both included some discussion on html and css) If you were in attendance, thank you so much for coming! I know everyone was asking for copies of the slides, and I have them here. (Scroll down to the bottom). I also have all the links referenced in the slides, as well as links to code snippets used in the slides.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. You can also find me here: and @theworkingmom

One quick update- someone had asked about fixing which thumbnail is used when you share something from your blog on Facebook: here is a forum thread on this issue and here is the link to the plugin mentioned there that will help. (give it 24 hours or so for Facebook to correct itself)