February 24th, 2011
WordPress 3.1 is out!
If you are already using WordPress, then you’ve probably seen the little banner pop up above your admin screen: WordPress 3.1 is out! So far, the upgrades I’ve done have gone through without a hitch. I’ve been watching the responses from other users, and most issues seem to be plugin related. I try to avoid really out-dated or rarely-updated plugins to begin with – the exception being small plugins that probably don’t require that much updating anyway.
My favorite features of immediate use are the admin bar (you can turn this on or off in your profile), and the ability to include internal links when making a post. Other features (like more post-formats, and better custom-post-type support) are ones that will be handy in future site developments. All features are listed here.
Remember to backup your files and database, but let the upgrading begin.