January 23rd, 2012
Client: Laney Walker Bethlehem / Meleaver-McIntosh
Created HTML/CSS from Photoshop files. Created custom WordPress theme based on HTML files. Added newsfeed scroller to homepage. Implemented and customized video player (TubePress) and photo gallery (NextGen Gallery). Created custom templates that used multiple content editor panels in the WordPress admin.
Skills: HTML, CSS, PHP, Javascript/jQuery, WordPress
November 2nd, 2011
Client: Roseview Group/Seltzer Design
Created HTML/CSS from Photoshop files. Created custom WordPress templates based on HTML layouts. Created multiple shortcodes to handle unique layout situations. Created custom templates with additional WYSIWYG areas. Created additional per-template custom meta panels. Integrated custom dynamic image sliders, and double image sliders that remain synchronized in time with each other. Created custom template which pulls in a “featured” child page with an image rotator and then loads excerpts of remaining child pages below. Implemented random image loading script. Created detailed documentation on how to use the many custom templates created for the site which included screenshots and details of custom fields available for each template. Implemented custom login from pop up.
Skills: HTML/CSS, jQuery, PHP, WordPress, MySQL
November 2nd, 2011
Client: Vintage Modern NYC
Created HTML/CSS from Photoshop files. Created custom WordPress templates based on HTML layouts. Integrated Cart66 (Shopping Cart/Ecommerce WordPress plugin). Customized checkout pages. Created custom post type to handle product pages.
Skills: HTML/CSS, PHP, jQuery, WordPress, Cart66 Plugin Integration
November 2nd, 2011
Client: Snapping Turtle Kids
Created HTML/CSS from Photoshop files. Created custom WordPress templates based on HTML layouts. Integrated Cart66 (Shopping Cart/Ecommerce WordPress plugin). Customized checkout pages. Created custom post type to handle product pages. Created custom gallery display of photos for product. Created homepage image rotator.
Skills: HTML/CSS, PHP, jQuery, WordPress, Cart66 Plugin Integration
November 2nd, 2011
Client: Kosher Revolution
Created HTML/CSS from Photoshop files. Implemented script to extend background image.
Skills: HTML/CSS, PHP, jQuery
October 27th, 2011
SEO Advice
I have had a number of clients ask me for advice on improving their SEO. I have never proclaimed myself to be an SEO expert and I am very upfront about this – but I do have some thoughts on the matter. Things I’ve seen that help. As well, I’ve tried to educate myself on some basic knowledge so that I can help get people pointed in the right direction. So I’ve recently put together an article on my geek-blog Scriptygoddess that outlines some of these common-sense techniques. Go have a read:
September 6th, 2011
Client: The Color Run
Created HTML/CSS from Photoshop files. Created custom WordPress theme based on HTML files. Created a dynamic, editable image-rotator for homepage.
Skills: HTML, CSS, PHP, Javascript/jQuery, WordPress
September 6th, 2011
Client: Great Artist Program
Created HTML/CSS from Photoshop files. Created custom WordPress theme based on HTML files. Created custom post type and display for “testimonials. Set up gallery display for sample artwork.
Skills: HTML, CSS, PHP, Javascript/jQuery, WordPress,
July 9th, 2011
Evo’11 Update
I recently completed two sessions at Evo’11 – one about Beginning WordPress and another about Intermediate WordPress (both included some discussion on html and css) If you were in attendance, thank you so much for coming! I know everyone was asking for copies of the slides, and I have them here. (Scroll down to the bottom). I also have all the links referenced in the slides, as well as links to code snippets used in the slides.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. You can also find me here: and @theworkingmom
One quick update- someone had asked about fixing which thumbnail is used when you share something from your blog on Facebook: here is a forum thread on this issue and here is the link to the plugin mentioned there that will help. (give it 24 hours or so for Facebook to correct itself)
June 12th, 2011
Client: Maharani Weddings
Created HTML/CSS from Photoshop files. Created custom WordPress theme based on HTML files. Imported original content from Typepad. Integrated Facebook comments. Created a searchable “Platinum Vendor” guide using custom post types, custom taxonomies, and rewrite rules. Created an “Idea Gallery” using NextGen Gallery.
Skills: HTML, CSS, PHP, Javascript/jQuery, WordPress, (NextGen Gallery Plugin)